Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Handbag Auction!

Hi everyone,

Its an early post from me this week. Don't worry though I will be giving up a full update on my week as usual on Friday/Saturday.

The main reason for this post is that I've been thinking of other ways I can fund raise to raise as much money as I can for the Stroke Association ready for my upcoming 10k assault course. I've designed a poster for my partner to put up at his school to get his colleagues to sponsor me (if you would like one for your workplace, let me know!), I'm also hoping to do a cake sale & sell my cakes for £1 each.  However a colleague of mine explained that a friend of hers had a handbag auction & raised a lot of money for charity.

So, how does a handbag auction work? Well, every female tends to have at least one handbag they've hardly used sitting at the back of the wardrobe. If those handbags were donated to me, I could post them on EBay & all money raised would go straight to the Stroke Association & that dusty handbag could find a lovely new home. If I can get enough people interested, I will happily spend a weekend cleaning the bags and adding them on EBay to raise some extra cash for the Stroke Association.

If you'd be happy to donate me a handbag, please let me know. I'll let you know if I get enough of a response so you can get friends and family involved too!

Thanks :)

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